Frequently Asked Questions
01 Can I directly contact tutors?
No, you can select a tutor in "our tutors" section, then you can book a service directly from the tutors page. As soon as you book the service, you will receive the tutor's email contact. You can also request a personalized plan to our IB tutor coordinators.
02 Are lessons available only online?
Yes, they are available only online unless specific circumstances occur.
03 If my chosen tutor cancels the lesson, can I have another tutor?
Yes, you can reschedule the appointment or choose another tutor.
04 If my IB works, completed with IB Tutors need some adjustments does the fee include also this service?
Yes, the fee also includes 1 extra hour for eventual adjustments.
05 If I am not satisfied with the service, what can I do?
You can contact us, explaining your reasons. If we consider your reasoning valid we will refund you the whole fee.
06 If I book a packet of lessons, should I book all the lessons in advance?
No, you reserve the first lesson, and then, time by time, you book the next lessons.
07 Are all the tutors IB experts?
Yes, they are all experts, and most IB alumni, who perfectly know the IB requirements and challenges.
08 If I need support for two different subjects, what service should I purchase?
If you need support in more than one subject, you can book single lessons with different tutors or you can purchase our 10 hours packet and then book the single lessons with our different tutors.
09 How does online tutoring work?
You and your tutor will schedule an appointment and you directly call each other through the service you prefer (Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, etc..)
10 Can I change my tutor?
Yes, you can change your tutor by accessing your online personal page or by contacting us.
11 If I cannot attend a lesson, must I pay for the service?
If for personal reasons you are not able to attend lesson, you can cancel it. If you cancel it 24 hours in advance, you will be completely refunded, and you will be able to reschedule it for free. If you cancel it from 24 to 6 hours in advance, you will be halfly refunded. If you cancel it with less than 6 hours in advance, you will not be refunded.​
12 Must the service be paid in advance?
Yes, the service has to be entirely paid in advance.
13 Is the IB tutors coordinator support a paid service?
No, we offer this service for free.