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IB Tutors Coordinators


Time is passing and final exams are moving closer and closer, and you are always more stressed. At the end of junior year, final exams are a real nightmare since they will exponentially affect your predictions. Teachers continue to repeat that they are important and that they will affect your predictions, influencing  your future and university entry. It is the first time that a student must manage a complete year syllabus for each subject. As a consequence of this, stress is your new best friend. How can you solve this problem?

We give for granted that you know that it is essential to perform well in these exams. The problem is how you can achieve good results in this examination session. You have to consider two solutions: one in the short term and the other in the long term. In fact, you can decide to have a good result only in the final exams, however, if you are struggling with this amount of content, what about senior year and the real IB exams? In the IB program, you have to see the big picture, and not focus on the single result. IB is a multi step path, and working well on each step leads you to score high in the IB examinations. 

However, you can decide to focus only on your final exams’ results. In this case, you can opt for IB Tailored Tutoring, which is a service that allows you to recover your gaps and grasp new concepts. Clearly, if you are preparing for a one year program, you should attend as many tutoring sessions as possible to score high in the subjects you are not familiar with. In this case, your IB expert tutor will have the time to teach you not only the concepts, but also how to answer the specific questions. 

Nevertheless, this is not a long term solution: it is only a patch on a wound. In fact, to be sure to perform well in the IB examination, you should prepare yourself in an efficient way. And how can you do it? You can choose our IB expert tutors who guide you as angels. In fact, a constant support helps you to recover your gaps and to be prepared at the final IB exams. This choice is essential to perform well in the IB, as you will be ready to manage all the syllabuses and know how to answer the IB questions, saving time and useless stress.

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