We all know that IB is a very challenging program, however there are some tips that you can follow to succeed in it. It is clearly important to manage your time, organize your study, and study the content step by step. These regular rules cannot be sufficient to be well prepared to face IB exams. You can ask us, “Why are they not enough?” The answer is simple: you should prepare six subjects with a very extended program: every subject has a vast syllabus, which is explained in one year and a half. It is very hard to handle all this content, and for this reason, you need to learn how to manage it.
If you google how to prepare an exam, you can find a series of hints that you can follow:
1: Organize your study by planning your daily schedule;
2: Practice old exams;
3: Repeat the content you learned to others in order to understand if you have assimilated it.
However, all these hints are useful if you have just studied the content, but what happens if you did not understand a topic? If you struggle with a subject or with a single topic, all the previous hints are useless, since you are not able to practice past papers, you cannot respect your deadlines, since you will take a lot of time to cover the contents, and you will not clearly capable to explain to others the content that you did not grasp on your own. Therefore, how can you solve this issue?
The solution to this issue is only one and it consists of asking help from an expert IB tutor who can help you in the exam preparation. Two questions arise: who is an expert IB tutor? And, why should I study with a tutor?
An expert IB tutor is a teacher who has a long experience with IB, therefore he can explain to you all the topics present in the syllabus. Moreover, being expert in IB, he can indicate to you what subtopics are more frequent in the past papers and how to correctly answer the IB questions. In fact, everyone who deals with IB knows that to perform well in this program, knowing the content is not enough, it is also a matter of structure and method. Do you remember the method marks? They are essential to score high in papers, and an IB tutor teaches you not only the topics in the syllabus, but also the exact structure and method to follow. Thus, we can answer the second question: Why should I study with a tutor? As we stated before, a tutor guides you in the preparation of an exam in both the content and the structure parts, and this increases your efficiency. Your study becomes efficient when you will know the topics, how to answer the questions, and how to save time. This is why an IB expert tutor is a right choice; he helps you in becoming efficient. Efficiency is the aim of any business, therefore, if study is the students’ business, it is logical that a student’s aim should be efficiency in order to succeed in his business. If this was an advertisement, the slogan would be, ‘Be efficient, Choose an IB expert tutor'